Here is the corrected content, divided into sentences: Tis so, this is a demonstration of Access 2013 forms and sub forms. We will also be able to show you how we can make use of calculated fields in the subform and embedded also into the orders form. So, what we can see here first of all, is our two simple data sheets or records, if you like, in a table format: order details and orders. The relationship between the two is one to many, so orders to order details. One order could contain several products, that's what it is, so one-to-many. And the fields in the orders, as you can see, the primary keys are all employee, customer, order date, shipping date, and so on. There are other fields that you're not going to use, but the four or five things we're going to use are order ID, employee, customer, order date. Those are the four things we're going to use on our main form. So, the one side will contain the main form, which is the orders form, and on the many side we'll have the order details form, and in this case, the ID is the primary key which relates to the order details and order ID is the foreign key so the details, so that's how they're linked. So we got to make sure in our data field that order ID has the same data type as the order ID in the primary key is a foreign key in the order details, has the same data type as the order ID in the orders detail. Otherwise, you won't be able to link. So, this is the basic fundamental of creating form and subform. You need to be able to have referential and get integrity, good reference integrity between...