Hi, I'm Devin Deen, the content director at projectmanager.com. Today, I'm going to teach you how to sell your project using a project proposal. One key thing to remember is that people buy from people, so don't expect your project proposal to be taken seriously without any prior communication with the decision-makers in the organization. It's important to interact with them and build a relationship before presenting your proposal. Without this interaction, your chances of securing funding for your project are slim to none. While preparing your project proposal, it's crucial for you, your project sponsors, and project champions to actively engage with the decision-makers in your organization. Use lobbying sessions and one-on-one meetings to refine your understanding of the organization's problems and highlight the benefits that your project can bring. This will help you create a persuasive sales pitch in your proposal. Remember, your decision-makers will decide whether to support or reject your project within the first five minutes of reading your proposal. Therefore, it's critical to make a strong impact at the beginning of your document. Start with a problem statement that paints a bleak picture of your organization, highlighting missed opportunities, incurred risks or costs that could have been avoided if your project had been implemented. Avoid focusing on generic benefits like efficiency gains or skills uplift. Instead, provide specific examples that demonstrate the need for your project. The vision statement is another important section that aligns your project with the company's long-term strategy and goals. Without this alignment, your project may be perceived as disconnected from the company's overall plans and may not receive funding. Clearly articulate how your project fits into the organizational strategy and describe the benefits it will bring. Be specific and ensure that the benefits are measurable. The deliverable section provides a more detailed breakdown of...