I've got a very interesting question for you. What's your immune system? Do you know? It's a word that we use so much, isn't it? "Oh, my immune system must be down, that's why I've got a cold." But what is your immune system? I'd like to have a look tonight at what your immune system is, because it's important, isn't it, to know something about the house you live in? Isn't it the most important, yet the most neglected, form of education? The house we're living in, knowing something about the body that we live in. Was that an eye-opening to you? What happens to your food? That all your food is not digested in your stomach. It's actually digested in different parts of your gastrointestinal tract. One of my favorite proverbs is Proverbs 14 verse 6: "Knowledge is easy to him that understands." My aim is to give you an understanding of these things, and then you automatically have the knowledge on how to treat this amazing body that we've been given. So, I'd like to begin by looking at where the immune system starts. Now, look at our human body. We've got a protection around the body, it's called skin, is that right? Skin? And when you break the skin, you have to be careful because if you break the skin, now the flesh and the blood are exposed, and the microbes that are in the air, especially if there are some pathogens, they can get in there, is that wrong? It's like the little boy that I met in New Zealand a few years ago. He came with his mother. His mother came to see me about another issue. When he walked in, his finger was twice the size. I said, "Uh-huh, what's happening to the...