Music Music hi John Hess from filmmaker Let's say you just finished your short film. It's brilliant, but now what? Today, I'm going to explain some tips and tricks that I wish I knew when preparing to enter my short films into festivals. In the interest of full disclosure, my experience thus far in my career with festivals has been with short films, so I'm focusing only on shorts in this video. Now, I've made two 20-minute long shorts that played at 7 festivals. I made these before I began creating filmmaker IQ courses, so they're not my most recent nor my most educated work. Although it's been a few years, I believe the advice I'm going to give in this course is still relevant, especially for the first-time submitter. Furthermore, what I'm going to say is based on generalities. Your film may be that one in 100,000 short films that completely blows everyone away and totally negates my advice. If that's the case, congratulations. But what's more likely is you've made what you think is a very good film and want to maximize your festival experience. I'm going to begin by talking about the elements of the short film itself. The first question everyone asks is about the length. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short as less than 40 minutes, whereas the Sundance Film Festival sets it at 50 minutes. If you pull an online forum, you will get people chiming in with all sorts of hard and fast rules for time ranges, from no more than 5 minutes to 5 to 7 minutes. Well, that's all nonsense. The fact is there is no hard fast rule for precisely how long a short can be or needs to be. A short just needs to tell...
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