Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. Medical terminology less than one basic word structure. 2. Medical terms can be divided into two to four parts. 3. Even if a word is unfamiliar to you, you can figure out the meaning by knowing what each part means. 4. Important elements of medical terms include root (foundation of the term), suffix (word ending), and prefix (word beginning). 5. The combining vowel usually links the root to the suffix or another root. 6. To read medical terms, start from the suffix and go back to the beginning of the word. 7. For example, "epigastric" means "pertaining to above the stomach". 8. When combining vowels, drop the combining vowel before a suffix that begins with a vowel. 9. Incorrect: "gastritis" should be "gastroitis" (remove the "o" in the root before the combining vowel). 10. Keep the combining vowel between two roots (e.g., "gastroenterology"). 11. Combining forms consist of a root and a combining vowel (e.g., "adeno" means "gland"). 12. "O" is the most frequently used combining vowel. 13. Other examples of combining forms include "osteo" (bone), "patho" (disease), "reno" or "nephro" (kidney), etc. 14. The answers to the quiz questions will follow each slide.
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