Hey guys hey young my name is Don and today I want to show you how to use Ajax to process your HTML forms so this will allow your users to actually submit a form without refreshing the page or redirecting to a different page so it's all done in the background using Ajax so we're going to create this this very basic login form in this video which has two fields username and password and a false to actually type a username inside here such as decode and then press submits or login we get password cannot be empty it fails to type in here a an incorrect password such as fake then press login we get incorrect user name slash password combination so it's quite a standard form but it's done using Ajax so these messages come from the server okay so essentially we make a request using Ajax to the server we provide the server with the username and password and then the server will give us back a list of messages and it'll also say whether or not the login was successful if the login was successful then that'll be decode here as a password but login right now it was a successful login so we get redirected to the dashboard HTML page so that is how this thing works so let's create this system right now so inside the blank document I'll just refresh this from from earlier so inside here we can begin by actually constructing from the HTML for this for this form so back inside here inside the source code let's create a container to hold the actual form elements okay so inside here let's make a new div and give it a class of form okay so this form class is...