Music what's the Millenial question apparently Millennials as a generation which is a group of people who were born approximately 1984 and after are tough to manage and they're accused of being entitled and narcissistic self-interested unfocused lazy but entitled is the big one and and because they confound leadership so much what's happening is leaders are asking the Millennials what do you want and Millennials are saying we want to work in a place with purpose love that we want to make an impact you know whatever that means we want free food and bean bags and so somebody articulates some sort of purpose there's lots of free food and there's bean bags and yet for some reason they're still not happy and that's because you that they're missing this there's a there's a missing piece what I've learned is that there I can break it down into four pieces right there are four things four characteristics one is parenting the other one is technology third is impatience and the fourth is environment the generation that we call the Millennials too many of them grew up subject to not my words failed parenting strategies you know where for example they were told that they were special all the time they were told that they have anything they want in life just because they want it right they were told some of them got into honors classes not because they deserved it but because their parents complained and some of them got a is not because they earned them but because the teachers didn't want to deal with the parents some kids got participation medals you got a medal for coming in last right which the science we know is pretty clear which is it devalues the metal and the...
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