Over three-quarters of the world's poor live in rural areas. Most depend on agriculture to earn a living. However, rural employment opportunities are often informal, poorly paid, and even hazardous. The challenges include a continuous global unemployment crisis, severe underemployment, a growing youth population, and a lack of opportunities for better jobs in rural areas. It is urgent for people to have better jobs in order to access food. It is not only about employment creation and enterprise development, but also about standards and rights at work, social protection, social dialogue, and occupational safety and health. Reducing gender and age inequalities in rural areas is also crucial. Child labor and forced labor in agriculture need to be eliminated. Unfortunately, forced labor is still prevalent in the cultural sector. It is important to invest not only in improved agricultural productivity through technology development and adaptation but also in the people who bring about the desired change in the rural areas. These investments should enhance employment opportunities without compromising working conditions. There is a growing recognition that employment needs to be explicitly addressed. The cultural sector holds untapped potential for creating more jobs and improving the working conditions and productivity of agricultural workers in rural areas. There is hope for increased visibility and support for employment issues within the development context. It is crucial to invest in people.
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