Hi, you want to know how to submit a form using JavaScript and how to process the data. I will show you. We have a simple form with one input for full name and one submit button. Let's try to write some data. If I submit the form, the browser refreshes and I can see the full name and value. JavaScript has an `onsubmit` event for the form. We can define it using the `onsubmit` attribute and our function. Here are three ways to do it: 1. Use the `onsubmit` attribute. 2. Use an object with a `onsubmit` property and our function. This is my favorite. 3. Use an object's `addEventListener` method to listen for the `onsubmit` event. We will use the second method. Let's write a script after the form and before the body. Select our form using JavaScript with `document.getElementById("nameForm")`. Now we can write `form.onsubmit = function() { }` to define our function. Let's log something to see what's happening. To get the value from the form, we can access the data using the `name` attribute. For example, `form.fullName.value`. Let's try it and see the data. We need to open the developer tools console and write some data. I will write "Tom Apple". The form is still submitting, but we want to prevent this. So in our function, we can use `event.preventDefault()` to prevent the default functionality of the form. Let's try it again. We click, write something, and submit. We can see the input value. To get the value from the text input, we use `input.value`. Now we want to delete the data after submitting the form. It's simple. We can use `form.reset()`. Let's try it again. Submit. The result is written into the element with the ID "result". Instead of `console.log`, we write `result.innerHTML = value`. Let's try it. I can press enter, submit,...