Good morning, my name is Martha Madhavi. I am a second year doctoral designer student. Along with my colleague Liane Vang and Boy Agua, we are also in our second year of the datas program. We would like to welcome you to the Doctrine of Design Conference: Reform, New Investigations in Urban Form. Doctoral design is a multidisciplinary research program that encompasses a broad range and combination of theoretical, applied, and technological topics. Commenting on the diverse range of Dida's research investigations is the belief that designed research makes an essential contribution to understanding, analyzing, and improving the built environment in the increasingly complex world. In an attempt to tackle multiple aspects of urbanization, we invited some of the most prominent urban thinkers. We are grateful for the intellectual support of our moderators Professor Charles Waldheim, Professor Neil Brenner, and Professor Diane Davis, as well as the generosity of our sponsors Harvard GSD Advanced Studies program, History and Philosophy of Design platform, Dean's office, Office for Urbanization, and the Urbanism Landscape Ecology Program, Urban Theory Lab, Center for Green Buildings and Cities, Office for Communications, and China GSD. Not to mention that Professor Martin Bechtold, Director of Datas program, and our Dean Professor Mostafavi have been supporting and inspiring us during months of preparation. We would like to sincerely thank them. The conference aims to provoke new investigations and debates on urban form and its relevance in contemporary organizations. Specifically, it acknowledges the fluctuating conditions of political, economic, and technological contexts and practices. This conference interrogates the meanings of form and its agency in design disciplines and critical thinking. It has been almost half a century since the publication of Harry Seminal's text "Urban Sport." We see this conference as a timely discussion on this matter, comparing it to the ongoing urban transitions across geographies. As...
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