Music, music! Welcome to Veterans Forum. I'm Fred Smart from Chicago, Illinois, along with my co-host, Dr. Lee Warren. Our special guest tonight is Edwin Crosby the Third, hailing from Albion, New York. We're going to do three shows on this subject. We want to invite you into our living room. This is a subject that involves the systemic abuse, stealing, and fraud of our veterans, their benefits, and their jobs. Over the last two and a half to three weeks, I was tipped off to this earlier last year here in Illinois. We've had a big uproar about veterans' benefits coming to Illinois veterans being at the very bottom of the scale among the 50 states. This hit about two and a half to three years ago and caused a huge uproar. In the last couple of months, we've had the Walter Reed Medical Hospital uproar about the deplorable conditions in Walter Reed. Meanwhile, at the very top, we have these penthouses, these luxurious suites with oriental rugs and butlers. We're here today to discuss something that goes down to the core, at the bottom, at the root of the systemic computerized processing of the computers, the codes, the system that makes the Veterans Affairs for benefits run and hum nationwide. I was astounded when I learned about this. A gentleman out of the blue called me from downstate Illinois and said, "Fred, are you aware of this problem, aware of this issue?" He described it over the phone. My jaw kind of dropped. He sent some documents in the mail. We put him in touch with a few other people, which led to Mr. Crosbie from upstate New York. Mr. Crosbie, thank you for coming here and spending this evening and these few days here in Chicago. We've had you on...