Hi, I'm Shari from NIH. I have a grant application submission tip for you that will help ensure your success. When it comes to accessing the application forms needed for submission, you might be surprised to learn that we don't have a generic set of forms posted on our website that you can use for any NIH grant opportunity. NIH provides funding for many types of grant programs, and as a result, we have a variety of forms to collect the necessary data for each program. The set of forms needed to apply for a research grant, such as an r1, is different from the forms needed for a training grant or a fellowship grant, for example. In fact, we have over 50 different form combinations that we use. However, we don't expect you to keep track of all the different forms. Each opportunity is posted with the exact set of forms needed to submit to that specific opportunity. You can find this information just above the table of contents in the opportunity of interest. When it comes to submission options, many opportunities have three options available: the NIH managed ASSIST system, an institution's own system-to-system solution, or grants.gov workspace. You must choose one of these options in order to access the application forms. Let's use ASSIST as an example. By clicking the green "Apply Online Using ASSIST" button, you will be directed to ASSIST after logging in. From there, you can initiate an application by providing the opportunity number and clicking "Go". Once you've initiated your application, the common forms needed for all applications for that opportunity will be shown as tabs across the screen. Simply click on each tab to complete the corresponding form. If there are any additional forms needed, you can click the "Add Optional Forms" button to access...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Where 8850 Form Applying