Welcome to space news from the Electric Universe, brought to you by the Thunderbolts Project at Thunderbolts.info. The Electric Universe theory has laid the foundations for an entirely new understanding of planetary geology. For decades, experimentalists using electrical discharges have reproduced many familiar geological features, including types of crater forms that have long proved puzzling to standard geology. These experiments may provide clues to past events that the scientific mainstream has never entertained. High-energy electrical discharges at an interplanetary scale. Is it possible to integrate these new possibilities into a geology that also includes standard geological processes? In this episode, our guest Barry Centerfield, the astronomer at the New Hope Observatory in Grants Pass, Oregon, outlines a number of guidelines for assessing whether craters on planets, moons, and other bodies were created by impacts or by electrical discharge machining. "Well, I was teaching astronomy at the time, and the issue of the origin of craters on astronomical objects of all sizes had come up. We needed to resolve this issue with the students. For example, in the days before the Apollo moon landings and even for some time after, there's a strong body of opinion which held that all such craters were the result of volcanism, and that idea died slowly. It was replaced by the idea that all craters are the result of impact. But then the results of electrical experiments became available, which solved problems that neither impact nor volcanism could. And we needed to do some cratering experiments to distinguish between the various types of craters and then present these results to my students. Volcanism usually has craters at the tops of mountains. Unlike the Moon and planets, the crater bottoms there go below the level of the surrounding plains. The volcanic craters that look like those...
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