Okay, so I want to discuss a new topic today. To get us started, I thought we'd play a game called "Cash and a Hat." I will explain the game in a minute. The idea is that there will be two players. I will choose two of you who hopefully brought some money to class. Player one will have a choice to put nothing, $1, or $3 into a hat. The hat will then be given to player two. Player two can either match the amount in the hat or take the cash. The payoffs for this game are as follows: If player one puts nothing in, they will not receive anything. If they put $1 in and it's matched, they will double their money and get $2 back. If they put $3 in and it's matched, they will also double their money and get $6 back. However, if player two takes the money that was put in the hat, player one will lose the corresponding amount they put in ($1 or $3). From player two's point of view, if they match $1, they will get their investment back plus an additional $1.50, totaling $2.50. If they match $3, they will get their investment back plus an additional $2, totaling $5. If player two takes the money out of the hat and keeps it, they will receive the total amount of money that was in the hat. I will provide the hat and we can use paper to write IOUs on if needed. We can play for real cash later on if possible. Now, let me grab the microphone and ask who wants to be player one. Good, Justin will be player one, and Nate will be player two. Justin, decide how much money you want to put in the...