Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. In today's video, I'm going to be talking about my application for PIP, which is Personal Independence Payments. This is kind of episode 2 of this video diary of applying for this benefit. I suppose you'd call it. So, oh, I've had the form sent to me a couple of weeks ago. It is a 40-page form, no less than 40 pages. And I say 40 pages, but there's 14 questions. There must have been at the back for additional information, and each question is about different subjects. So, I'll briefly go through what they're asking. The first question is about detailing your health professionals. So, I've just listed there my GP, my neurologist who I don't see regularly. I saw him after my weird eye vision loss thing which happened after Emily and that opportunity and went on for months. Also, my geneticist who again I haven't seen since Emily was a baby. But I didn't know how stupid. I don't see a physio regularly. I don't really see anyone regularly. The next section is about my health condition or disability. So obviously, there's some things I have some obvious anxiety diagnosed approximately early 8, 1989. I'm not sure when. If you can hear noise in the background, it's the kids running around because it's summer holidays. So they were. Well, I put depression anxiety because I've suffered with that both personally and just generally. I have my vision problems which I've just mentioned. Also, I've written there about circulation problems. We're just taking the Philippine for vocal cord paralysis. They want to know about medication you take, and also I've put there isn't any medication I take because there is no treatment for it. I take painkillers and anti-inflammatories as and...