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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who 8850 Form Rehabilitation

Instructions and Help about Who 8850 Form Rehabilitation

Bob and Brad are two famous physical therapists on the Internet. Hi, I'm Bob Shrum, physical therapist at Red Hynek Physical Therapy. We believe we have the most famous physical therapists on the Internet. In our opinion, of course, Bob and Brad. We have done a video on this before, but we are going to do a comprehensive one on tennis elbow. These are the absolute best treatment stretches and exercises you can do in our episode. You have had tennis elbow on both arms, so you are a good subject. It is very painful and limits you a lot. People are often shocked at how much it hurts, especially considering you look perfectly healthy. Even the smallest motion like opening a door can cause a lot of pain. The first thing to understand about tennis elbow is that it involves the muscle going into the tendon and attaching to the bone. This is the case 9 times out of 10. The indicator of tennis elbow is pain when you squeeze your hand, bring your wrist up, or deviate it a little bit. These muscles go all the way down the forearm. One thing I do as a therapist is palpate or feel on the bone where it connects. There is usually a tender spot. One treatment is ice massage. You can take a cup, styrofoam or paper, and fill it up with ice. Freeze it solid and peel away the top so you have some ice exposed. Rub the ice on the area for 5 minutes. It may burn and be uncomfortable at first, but it will go numb and the skin will turn red. Another treatment option is to use a tennis elbow brace. Bob and I personally recommend the one by air cast as it has worked...