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Form 8850 online Mecklenburg North Carolina: What You Should Know

How to Register for Unemployment Benefits Register and begin the process of collecting unemployment benefits. Register a Claim for Unemployment Benefits (claim.ca) on a DOL-authorized form from the Unemployment Compensation Department. Your registration is a prerequisite to receiving official benefits from the federal government. Registering is simple. Receipt of TANK Benefits | CSL — NC.gov The benefits you receive from U.S. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANK) will depend on the number of people who have applied for benefits. There are some simple steps you can take now to get an accurate estimate of your TANK benefits. The Department of Human Services offers several self-help materials to help you manage the benefits provided by the federal government to help pay for your child care and other costs: What Is State Child Care Assistance? — Download and print the PDF brochure and learn about the types of benefits provided through the Child Care Assistance program. The Basics of Federal Benefits: How TANK Works — Learn more about federal benefits available, including TANK. Information about Federal Benefits: Child Tax Credit and ETC — This fact sheet gives an overview of the ETC and the child tax credit to help you compare the benefits offered. Also, use this brochure to get the most current state child care assistance information. If you're not sure which federal benefits apply to you, go to your nearest county, town, or city office of human services to obtain a copy of the state child care assistance program regulations and benefits. About the Statewide Child Care Childcare Rebate — The Department of Health and Human Services administers the statewide child care rebate. It is paid directly to providers of child care services who participate in the program. About State-Awarded Tuition and Fees — The Department of Economic and Community Development administers the state-awarded tuition and fees program. The fee waiver program allows eligible students to receive up to half-price tuition for qualifying non-state college courses by submitting a complete application, including a copy of their current semester tuition and mandatory fees. The CHIP website — The Department of Economic and Community Development provides the tools and information to help individuals, families, and businesses access assistance. Child Care Rebate — The CHIP helps families, teachers, and care providers increase their income and reduce their expenses by helping to pay for affordable child care options.

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